
Before coming to USC, I spent a year at a clinical research organinzation where I worked on dynamic monitoring in clinical trials. I became an adept programmer in R and SAS. I worked on model development and implementation. I was fortunate enough to collaborate with several researchers, including Peng Zhang, Dr. Tai Xie, Dr. Wei-Chung Shih, Dr. K.K Gordon Lan, and Dr. Ping Gao. Through my interactions with them I became more interested in methodology and trial design. With their encouragement and support, I took the next step forward to pursue a Ph.D in Biostatistics.

At USC, I am working mainly on my research goal of bringing adaptive randomization into clinical trial design. I am fortunate to be mentored by Dr. Lindsay Renfro. In my Ph.D training, I've also dived deeper into Bayesian statistics, statistical inference, and computer programming. Finally, I also have been able to learn about different areas within Biostatistics and increased my general understanding of the subject.

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